Tag: Yoon Suk-yeol

Doctors and President Stand Firm, Stirring a Storm in South Korea’s Medical Sector

The medical sector in South Korea is experiencing a major upheaval as intern doctors across the nation submit collective resignation letters in protest against the government’s plan to increase medical student admissions. This movement, which began on February 19, has seen participation from approximately 55% of the country’s intern doctors, significantly impacting hospital operations, including the cancellation of surgeries and reduction of medical services. The Yoon Suk-yeol government’s firm stance on expanding medical school quotas, despite the protests and the potential for a medical crisis, is driven by electoral pressures and the aim to secure a victory in the upcoming parliamentary elections. The government’s refusal to negotiate and the imposition of penalties on striking doctors have only intensified the conflict, with both sides appearing reluctant to escalate the situation further. This standoff reflects deeper issues within South Korea’s healthcare system, including the scarcity of doctors in certain specialties and regions, and the high status and compensation of doctors, which the government and protestors are leveraging in a high-stakes gamble with the welfare of the general public at stake.

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